• Hospitality, Compassion, Respect, Justice, Excellence,

    (Christina Doody, Behaviour Specialist, Callan Institute)

    Hi there,

    In 2011 Callan Institute was funded by Pobal to create an e-learning course in Positive Behaviour Support, the MEBS model. As project manager and author, I, with the assistance of Ms Sheena Grant, Research Assistant, developed this course and launched it in 2012.  I have now updated it to reflect the changes that have taken place in the intervening period.

    In 2020 Callan Institute added an additional course to our repertoire; this new course is an Introduction to Systematic Instruction which will be a pre-requisite for the Callan Institute Skills Teaching course. It can also be completed as a short course in its own right. 

    Callan Institute are also about to roll out a new course on the Saint John of God Policy on Positive Behaviour Support. We hope in the future to add to the bank of courses and to provide e-learning courses on all policies relevant to the work of Callan Institute. 

    We would like to wish you every success with the course you are about to embark on and hope you enjoy the experience. 

    With every good wish

    Christina doody, Project manager


    Part 1

    Positive Behaviour Support Part 1

    This course is designed for staff and family members interested in learning more about intellectual disability, behaviours of concern and Positive Behaviour Support. It focuses on the Multi Element Behaviour Support (MEBS) Model of support. The 10 units will bring you through the process of MEBS, explaining the basic principles, assessment, data recording and the different intervention strategies used.

    Begin Course

    Part 2

    Positive Behaviour Support Part 2

    This course leads on from Positive Behaviour Support Part 1 with 6 units that focus on aspects of PBS in more detail, including professional ethical relating, principle of behaviour, building capacity & consent; systematic instruction and monitoring interventions. Completing Positive Behaviour Support Part 1 is required before undertaking this course.

    Begin Course

    Part 2

    Skills Teaching

    Systematic instruction is a way of teaching skills to maximise a learner’s independent performance. It is characterised by the methodical reduction of the frequency and intrusiveness of prompts. Systematic Instruction has four parts: 1. Target: The skill you are teaching which will include the steps involved in the skill. 2. Prompt type and level: What prompts to use; for example, verbal, physical, gestural and how the environment can help. 3. Reward: To identify a reinforcer with the learner. 4. Fade Strategy: The strategy to remove the prompt thus increasing independence. This course examines each of these steps, and two methods of teaching which are called Shaping and Chaining..

    Begin Course

Site news

Important Announcement: More Learning Opportunities in Positive Behaviour Support (using Multi-Element Behaviour Support) with Callan Institute.

by Carol May -


Important Announcement: More Learning Opportunities in Positive Behaviour Support (using Multi-Element Behaviour Support) with Callan Institute.

 Did you know, that once you have completed this elearning course, that you are eligible to take your learning on another step by applying your new knowledge in a real way, with the necessary support and supervision? This could be a very exciting and natural next step for you to take.

 How can you do this?

Callan Institute have a Practice Certificate in Multi-Element Behaviour Support. 

Multi-Element Behaviour Support is a structured and formal model of Positive Behaviour Support. Multi-Element Behaviour Support aligns with the HSE Guiding Principles on a Rights Based Approach for Behavioural Support. 

This practical course will support you to provide Positive Behaviour Support (using MEBS) with one individual you support. 

If this course might be of interest to you, speak with your line manager and/or contact us at callan@sjog.ie for course details.

 Closing date for nominations 28th August, 2023.

Synergy GDPR Policy- Please Read

by Carol May -

Please note that this course is hosted by  an external provider ‘Synergy’ who are based in the United Kingdom. 
 Your username/ email address is stored securely on their database which is GDPR compliant. 
For more information Please read this policy

Practice Certificate in Multi-Element Behaviour Support Training Dates 2022

by Carol May -

Closing Date for Registration for Practice Certificate Training in Multi-Element Behaviour Support (MEBS) is Friday 2nd  September, 2022. 

This e-learning course is a foundation course for the Practice Certificate in MEBS. If you wish to complete the Practice Certificate you will receive hands on training in background and functional assessment and the development and implementation of a MEBS plan.  If you are supporting someone who communicates through behaviours of concern, this course is for you.   

For more information please contact: email: callan@sjog.ie Phone: 01 821 4139 / 533 3322

(Edited by Christina Doody - original submission Monday, 14 September 2020, 9:39 AM)

(Edited by Christina Doody - original submission Monday, 14 September 2020, 10:00 AM)

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